Hi, Simone Cicero!
Investment as a practice is surely changing already. Some opportunities in this market are just inaccessible to the average, non-literate speculator: https://twitter.com/jbrukh/status/1030946467337461760
Investment bodies are, indeed, taking novel shapes: https://medium.com/@jillcarlson/free-company-49b129461b3c
Sometimes, they don’t resemble investing at all, but look at this business model (sign up for this newsletter too: https://medium.com/staking-economy/1-nuances-of-proof-of-stake-ce3ef75d3d2c), see the big picture?: https://www.chorus.one
Passive value capture is doomed, wherever “web3” truly succeeds, I guess. “Proactive investment” starts to look like activism, in some cases: